Rack app error handling request
Rack app error handling request

  • try // Try connecting and send the message bytes.
  • private static byte  sendMessage( byte  messageBytes).
  • private static void sendMessage( byte  bytes, TcpClient client).
  • // Sends the message string using the bytes provided.
  • private static string cleanMessage( byte  bytes).
  • Console.WriteLine( "Email sent to " + p.Email) // Email sent successfully.
  • "Thank you for using the Web Service" ,.
  • client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential( "", "" ).
  • using (SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient( "" , 25)).
  • // Send an email to the user also to notify him of the delivery.
  • private static void sendEmail(Person p).
  • sender.GetStream().Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length) // Send the response.
  • byte  bytes = .GetBytes( "Thank you for your message, " + person.Name).
  • Person person = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(message) // Deserialize.
  • // Read the message and perform different actions.
  • sender.GetStream().Read(buffer, 0, bytesize).
  • var sender = listener.AcceptTcpClient().
  • // Run the loop continuously  this is the server.
  • TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(ep).
  • IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 1234).
  • Once the connection is closed, other traffic can connect and share their data. The response may or may not be displayed by the client and the server may or may not send the response and close the connection itself. Once the server is done working with the client's data and request, it generates a response. Various commands can initiate and trigger various functions on the server. Once the client connects to the server, the server works as the request commands it. It entirely depends on how the server and client are configured. The client sends a request to the server and the server may or may not ask for any additional content from the client.

    #Rack app error handling request software#

    The server application (device, program, or machine) is the one that controls hardware resources, software applications, and other business data and can work with it. It can be in a separate and different context or can be installed on the same server for activity. A client-server model works in a very simple way, a client application is one that relies on the server for resources, software application, and other hardware components.

    Rack app error handling request